2013年7月30日 星期二

Pet Shop Boys - Left to My Own Devices & The Sound of Atom Splitting

輕鬆的舞曲節奏背後,Left to My Own Devices是在描寫著一個與世隔絕的人,週而復始的頹廢生活。

"I was a lonely boy, no strength, no joy
In a world of my own at the back of the garden
I didn't want to compete, or play out on the street
For in a secret life I was a round head general"

Left to My Own Devices (Album Full Length Version)

人生總會遇到決擇的分岔位,歌中的主角在理想與現實中掙扎,Pet Shop Boys卻在這分岔位產生了B-side作品"The Sound of Atom Splitting"的概念。

The Sound of Atom Splitting

